Bio Toilet: CSR Project of MCX India Limited for Installation of BioToilet In School

As a part of CSR [Corporate Social Responsibility] Project, Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. is focused on creating a positive social and environment impact by leveraging its resources and expertise in CSR thrust project like : BioToilet to Rural Area School, Soil Testing Initiative, Organic Farming/Vermi Compost Fertilizer Project, Gramin Suvidha Kendra Programme, Development of Watershed Programme, Drip Irrigation Programme, Deepening/Renovation of Dug Well, and many other activities.

To Promote the preventive health care and improving sanitation at school and to create awareness on health and sanitation among students in rural areas. MCX India Ltd. has installed the Biotoilet in various school of Gujarat State. School List of Biotoilet Installed Project under CSR Activity of MCX India Ltd are as :

1] Suripura Primary School, Suripura Village, Unjha, Mehsana District.

2] Goliyapura Primary School, Goliya-Vakha Village, Diyodar, Banaskantha District.

3] Dhanakwada Primary School, Dhanakwada Village, Diyodar, Banaskantha District.

4] Shree Mota Jampur Primary School, Mota Jampur, Thara, Banaskantha District.

Biotoilet installation work is carried out by Mechwat Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on behalf of MCX India Ltd. Biotoilet installation in school created awareness in rural areas about sewage water treatment and utilization for irrigation purpose. Biotoilet treated water utilization for irrigation promote the organic farming and nutrient water stability in agriculture land.

Introduction of BioToilet :

Bio-Toilets are a super structure of toilet with anaerobic biodegradation of organic waste by unique microbial consortium and works at a wide temperature range.Organic solid waste convert to Gases Like Methane, Carbon Dioxide,  and Digested Organic Nutrient  Contain Residual Water which will be further utilize for agriculture  propose or else treated further for Secondary treatment known as Reed Bed System.


Main Objective of Biotoilet Application for Human Waste Management Are :

  • No Energy Dependence.
  • Eliminate The Maintenance of Soak Pit Work & Discharge of Sewage Waste.
  • Prevent The Soil Erosion and Increase The Ground Water Stability by Eliminating  The Sulphate Gases Generation and Water Utilization For  Gardening /Irrigation.
  • To Promote The Organic Technology For Waste Utilizaion.

Salient Future of BioToilet : 

  • Disposes human waste in a 100% eco-friendly manner. 
  • Continuous biological process which leads to maintenance free of sewage treatment process.
  • Does not require any septic or sewage collection facility.
  • Existing septic tank can be replaceby bio-digester in existing public & domestic toilets
  • Routine chemical does not harm the system.
  • Independent on the limited and costly conventional energy resources.

Bio-Culture Configuration :
Bio-culture additives are Feeding micro-organisms(e.g. bacteria) and macro-organisms(e.g. plants & animals). Its extract of Ascophyllum nodosum which one of the most nutrient rich vegetables on the planet containing life sustaining elements like organic iodine and organic germanium plus complex compounds like oligo sachharides and poly uronica acids-in additional full range of vitamins, minerals and trace elements at levels way above those of any land plants.


  1. Bio-Availability : Nutrients additives are chelated, colloidal, optimally balanced and easily absorbed.
  2. Bio-Activity : These additives are natural and superior bacterial culture media, restoring microbiological life too organism and eco-systems. When bacterial culture is exposed to nutrients, bacteria begin to free feed & thrive , producing a host of enzymes which then continue feeding and speeding biological processes. This bacterial enzyme activity supports and protects life in complex and profound ways. Bio-Culture works with naturally occurring , conventional organisms, aerobic and anaerobic. These additives are true pro-biotics, dramatically improving digestion efficiencies and decomposition rates through the entire digestion/decomposition process – completing these processes while eliminating odours with biological ion exchange capacity.
  3. Protecting organisms – Naturally occurring alginates + trace elements protect organisms from environmental toxin-including protecting the health of the sensitive, beneficial families of bacterial with living systems. Ascopyllum nodosum is proven to sequester heavy metals without further processing or release. Our product actually blocks heavy metals in soils and waste product preventing assimilation plants and animals.


Bio Toilet

BioToilet Installation At Motajampur Primary School, Thara Region, Banaskantha District, Gujarat. 


BioToilet Installation At Goliya Primary  School, Diyodar Region, Banaskantha District, Gujarat.


BioToilet Installation At Suripura Primary  School, Unjha Region, Mehsana District, Gujarat.


BioToilet Installation At Dhanakwada Primary  School, Diyodar Region, Banaskantha District, Gujarat.
